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   Every living animal requires water to survive. Chameleons should be offered water every day ! I use a drip system hooked to a automatic timer it simply drips water inside onto  the plant and the chameleon will see it dripping and drink . 35 minutes of dripping is plenty for a Veiled . They are not water hogs . Because I am located in South Florida I also will include a afternoon drip session on the hot summer days . All my Veilds will drink in the afternoon on these hot days . Hot days here are in the 90's and the evening temperatures on these hot days will sometimes be in the mid to upper  80's . That is HOT ! It's this time of the year when I remove all my animals from this extended heat and keep them inside of a building . At night I will turn on a air conditioner to cool them . The over all health and condition of the animals treated like this is amazing they keep their size they don't not shrink keep weight and seem better adjusted . These same females will dig a hole drop 30 eggs and come back up a plant without to much to do about it . Back before adopting this attitude of cooling them at night  I lost females after egg laying .

If you need to use  a temporary water system You can use a deli cup with a hole in it . Very simple and it works jut fine. 
This little stream of water will drip from the deli cup for approximately  40 minutes . The hole size was made using a pin from a sewing box . But don't tell my wife I was in her sewing box again 
Another picture of the water dripping 

Water or hydration 
  Yes hydration or water . My point in using these terms are simply this . You already know Chameleons drink water ! But did you know by caring for the feeder insects allowing them plenty of fruit or vegetables or using wet gut load you can be adding moisture to your chameleons diet. Feeding a cricket stuffed with carrot or other vegetables is a benefit to your chameleon . It's better than feeding a cricket that is starving or under feed. 

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