Babies 0 to 4 weeks : Caging or container. The first days up to two weeks are the most critical
for babies . Although food and water is the most important part of a baby chameleon living . A proper environment
is also needed .The amount of babies per container . Small branches for little feet to grip are important. The size
of the branch should allow the little feet to grip the branch securely. The height of these branches is also important
some breeders like to keep the branches close enough to the floor of the container to allow for hunting feeder insects
from the floor as well as the branches . But caution needs to be taken when using this method of floor feeding so assure a
clean floor at all times if you decide to use this type of approach cleaning nightly is necessary . Cup feeding is better
you can replace the cup daily . Fresh stool deposits can fool the babies into thinking there is a drop of water ready to be
consumed. Misting three time per day is recommended . You will notice most babies will drink readily from these
branches . Using a wet cricket food/gut load is also an advantage for the chameleon babies to get a little more
water from a properly hydrated feeder insect . Vegetables can be used or a wet gut load to feed to crickets.
Water Misting spray bottle Water is the key to all living things ! And a small chameleon who's
weight is less than “one gram” is in need of water three times per day . Knowing how very little babies
weigh is important allowing you to realize the importance of misting for water consumption . Tap water left standing
over night in a open container is just fine to use . (Do not add bleach to the water thinking you are helping your chameleon
.) Misting one side of the container if using a solid walled container is advisable also if using a screen
cage you should see the chameleon advance to drink . This can be one reason why you should not mist directly on
the chameleon It can cause them to retreat form drinking . Your are no doubt going to get water on the baby . It’s
OK and for many it’s is helpful to do so . But also it’s a from of harassing them so do so with caution . Room
temperature water is best . It is true in the wild the water temp is a bit cooler than the air temperature. But nowhere close
to an ice cubes temperature. Ice cubes allowed to melt providing water is not a good means of watering a
baby chameleon . We can debate over the type of spray to be used . But as long as water is supplied and the
animal is drinking you have it correct . Atomizer type spray bottles are fairly common all over the world. Ideally a
small green house mister could be used on a automatic timer as long as you allow for the water to drain from the
Feeder insects 0 to 4 week chameleon babies 3 to 4 weeks before you expect to hatch babies
you should set up your drosophilia cultures . If you have to toss some away then you are doing it correctly !
Don’t worry , when 20 babies are eating your drosophilia will disappear How many cultures per baby ! Depends on
the culture size . And how long do you keep feeding them these small flies ? Depending on the species 3 to 5 weeks. If you
have a smaller species of chameleon you will continue to use them as needed. You will know just buy looking at the growth
of the baby .Babies double in size rapidly . Usually within 30 days baby chameleon’s will out grow
the need for drosophilia .Then you will not need to use flies crickets will fill in the gap nicely.. As these animals
grow try to remember that a varied diet is a good thing for the health of your animal at 5 weeks small wax worms or
if you are lucky enough to have available to you baby super worms that have shed their exoskeleton you can feed these
D. melanogaster. life cycle is 3-5 days in optimum conditions, 80-85 degrees F. D. hydei. life cycle takes almost
30 days in optimum conditions, 80-85 degrees F.
Culture size can be tricky . How large a culture should you have to feed 10 baby chameleons daily 2 to 3 times per
day? How many of them ? The larger the culture is in diameter the more insects will be produced. As long as you supply a larger
number of adult FF to deposit eggs in the medium . 10 babies you need 3 to 5 cultures (3inch base size) weekly up and
producing FF before your babies hatch! If it sounds a little tricky it really is not to hard to do .If you are
not certain about raising from scratch you can always purchase FF from insect suppliers . D. melangaster are
very easy to culture D hydei are a little harder for a beginner . So start with the easy one first . The melanogaster
are tiny but make up for their small size by prolific breeding .Hydei are a little larger take longer to produce . Depending
on the amount of time you have to commit to raising flies one or the other will work. Pinhead crickets explained
as they relate to baby chameleons .. Pinheads are one week old crickets commercial cricket breeders will supply
you with these small ones as long as you ask them to . But make no mistake about ! You must explain to the cricket supplier
what you need . Some will refer to these as dust sized, one day old, just hatch, ant sized . You need to get your point across
to them by explaining exactly what you need ! Your needs for these very small crickets will only be 10 to 20 days . These
baby crickets will grow quickly ! You want to raise or purchase ant sized crickets for your baby chameleons
directly out of the egg. For the first two weeks meals . Try not to dump to many into the container this can cause a baby
to become confused unable to decide which one to eat ! It happens … Some will go directly to flies because
of the movement of the flies is different than the crickets . Some will go to crickets . FF and crickets mixed
together Yes you can mix them . FF will travel all over you cage and be eaten . Crickets will be eaten from
a cup if you provide or broadcast them into you cage . Broadcasting crickets this simply means allowing them
to free roam in the cage . It allows the babies to hunt the insects a perfectly natural instinct. Supplying a small amount
of cricket food inside the chameleon cage can be a good thing also allowing those uneaten crickets to a food source other
than the baby chameleon . Yes ! Baby crickets will bite baby chameleons if left in large numbers inside of your chameleons
container . Basking The amount of time allowed for basking can vary greatly. But all babies need to bask
allowing them to digest properly . You will recognize basking when your babies turn their bodies leaning
toward the sun or artificial lighting and changes color to darken themselves thus regulating body temperature . If you have
a group of babies in a screen cage or a solid wall container . You will see the babies begin to move and taking cover
under leaves retreating to cooler places. That is the time to remove them from the high temperatures. Allowing them
to become cooled to room temperatures below basking spot temperature Usually this happens within 10 minutes . Basking
can occur three time daily during the babies first few weeks . Water can be supplied after basking .